Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Three monks without water drinking


Once upon a time, there was a monk who lived in a temple.  He had to walk for an hour to get water everyday.  One day, a new monk came to the temple and lived with the first monk.  Next morning, the first monk was going to get water, so he said to the second monk, "You should go with me to get water."  "Of Course," the second monk answered.  Therefore, they went to get water every day and help each other.  The first monk eased his burden of getting water.  However, the situation changed when the third monk came.  "You two have to get water for us," the first monk said.  "Why don't you go with us?"  the third monk said.  "Yes," the second monk said, "if you don't come with us, you can't drink!"  Thus, the three monks fought for a while, then no one went to get water.  Finally, they all died because of no water.


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