Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tale of Three Baby Unicorns and the Big Bad Wolf

I was told this story when I was a kid. I don’t know the origin of the story (whether it’s from Iran or not). I also made some changes to the story (Originally it was about goats and a wolf but I thought unicorns are cooler).

Once upon a time three little unicorns lived in a house with their mom. One day, their mom left the house to go to the jungle and bring her children food. Before leaving, She asked her kids to not to open the door for anyone expect her. Not so long after she left the house, the big bad wolf, which was waiting for the Mommy unicorn to leave, knocked on the door. “Who is it?” said the baby unicorns.

“It’s me, your mother. I brought you food” said the big bad wolf.

“If you’re telling the truth then show us your hand from underneath the door”. The baby unicorns said.

The big bad wolf showed her hand without hesitation; but upon seeing his hands, the baby unicorns screamed: “No! You’re not out mother. You’re the big bad wolf. We’re not opening the door for you”. The big bad wolf started thinking about how to trick the baby unicorns, and he came up with an idea. He went to a toy store, and bought a fake unicorn hand. He went back to the unicorns’ house and knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” said the baby unicorns.

“It’s me, your mother. I brought you food” said the big bad wolf.

“If you’re telling the truth then show us your hand from underneath the door”. The baby unicorns said.

This time, the big bad wolf showed them the fake hand. The two older baby unicorns shouted in joy: “Yay! Mom’s back”, but the youngest one said: “Wait guys! This is a fake hand. The big bad wolf is trying to trick us”. The older baby unicorns did not listen to her, and opened the door. The big bad wolf jumped in the house and ate the older baby unicorns, but couldn’t find the youngest one, because she was hiding. The big bad wolf left the house. Couple of hours passed, and the Mommy unicorn returned home. She saw the door being wide open, rushed into house horrified and yelled: “My babies! Where are you?” The youngest one jumped out from a corner, where she was hiding all this time, and said: “Mom! The big bad wolf tricked my brothers into opening the door for him and then he ate them”. Mommy unicorn decided to free her children by fighting the big bad wolf. She went to the blacksmith’s shop, brought him a magical flute, and asked him to sharpen her horn. Word got to the big bad wolf that Mommy unicorn is preparing to fight her, so he decided to have his claws sharpened. He went to the blacksmith’s shop, brought him a bag full of air, and asked him to sharpen his claws. Blacksmith found out that the big bad wolf is trying to trick him, so he cut all of the wolf’s claws and gave him fake ones. The big bad wolf and the Mommy unicorn met outside the jungle, and got into a fight. Since the wolf’s claws were fake ones, he lost the fight. Mommy unicorn ripped his stomach in half using her sharp horn, and freed her children. They all lived happily ever after.

The End. (Pouria)

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