Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Cock-Star

A long time ago, in the country, there was a poor farmer who had a son.  At that time, they couldn't grow rice or anything, because they hadn't had rain for a long time.  They had a hen and her chicks.  She loved her chicks with all her heart although it was very hard to find some food to feed them.
   One day, the farmer's son told the farmer, "We're going to die, I want some food.  Let me kill the hen."  And he caught the hen to kill.  Before the hen died, she talked to her chicks, and she had a lot of tears.  She told them that the farmer had fed her when she was young and built the home for her.  Now the land was not abundant, and she should do something for him and his family.  She was pleased to die for him.  She was killed and put in the boiled water.  Her chicks were very sad, and they agreed to jump into the boiled water and they died.
   When the farmer saw that, he was very sad.  "I should not killed my only hen."  That night, while he thought about the hen and her sons, he saw something in the sky.  He saw the appe4arance of new stars.  He was very surprised because they looked like his hen and her sons.  From that day until now, you can see the group of stars that look like a chicken.  You should know that the stars are the spirits of the hen and her sons.  The stars are landmarks for the love of the little cocks for their mother.

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