Saturday, June 9, 2012

Blue Frog

A long time ago, there was a blue frog family- mother blue frog and son blue frog.  Son blue frog did not hear his mother's speaking.  Rather he did the opposite of what she said.  For example, if she told him to go to the mountain and bring some fruit, he went to the sea and brought some fish.  Also, if she asked him to close the windows because of the rain, he would open the windows.  Son blue frog also did not go to school because his mother wanted him to go there.  He always just played without working.  Mother blue frog felt pain in her mind because her son seemed to become a bad boy.  She was getting sick because of her son.  When she was dying, she wanted to be buried on a mountain.  However, she thought that if she asked him to bury her on a mountain, he would bury her near the river, and if she asked him to bury her near the river, he would bury her on the mountain, because her son always did the opposite of what she wanted.  Therefore, she asked him to bury her by the river.
   However, the son regretted his mistakes and he wanted to follow his mother's last wishes.  Therefore he buried her body near a river.  whenever it rains, he cries beside his mother's grave because he worries about her grave being carried down the river.  That is the reason that frogs cry whenever it rains.  nowadays if it rains, frogs cry to worry about his mother's grave being carried down the river.


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